Jacob's Well Holistic Services

Renee L. Roosa
Health Literacy Education Across the Lifespan
Community and Professional Educational Workshops
Family Practice and School-Based Health Care
Employer Wellness Program Consultant
Certified Health Education Specialist
Holistic Nursing Techniques
Wellness Services Navigator
Certified Medicare Provider
Founder & CEO

the synergistic relationship that exists between personal, social, and environmental elements

a wide array of educational and healing perspectives into community-based approaches that support health promotion, disease prevention, and, when necessary, disease management

workshops and trainings that incorporate these concepts to local, regional, national, international communities as well as professional groups and organizations

Services from the Heart of Kansas City

Clinical Nurse Practitioner

Provide age-appropriate anticipatory guidance to identify possible risk factors and plan for lifestyle behavior modifications that promote health, prevent disease, and ensure healthy years lived.
Provide school-based health services for K-12 and collegiate level students that include pre-participation exam clinics, reproductive health education, and immunizations.
Participate in collaborative qualitative and quantitative population-based research that focuses on the effects of individual and community health promotion and disease prevention interventions.

Community Health Educator & Professional Trainer

Provide resiliency training with stress management techniques to parents and other community groups for their enhanced ability to cope and maintain optimal wellness.
Determine personal and community stakeholders Health Literacy needs related to identifying and accessing equitable healthcare resources and navigating the social determinants of health.
Collaborate with other professionals to provide educational sessions that fulfill Continuing Education accreditation standards.
Offer consultations and program development for community health workers.
Offer National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc. certified training in lecture and experiential workshops for nursing applications.

Holistic Integrative Wellness Nurse and Coach

Conduct a customized Holistic Wellness assessment that assists the client to achieve self-directed goals.
Offer private and group educational sessions that promote deep relaxation and self-regulation.
Assist client’s clarification of personal values, formulate a vision for future wellness and provide coaching sessions for ongoing education, reinforcement, and encouragement.